Online Funda Class (2022)
In many situations (schools & school systems) the focus is on completing the syllabus and on evaluation. This results in teachers focusing their energy on completing only prescribed lessons within limited time frame and students on solving questions from an examination perspective.
As a result, as per our observation, clarity of basic concepts in mathematics and science and capacity to use language to express themselves is not developed among many students.
In this program, we intentionally focus on ‘Middle Level’ segment viz. classes 6th, 7th and 8th assuming they don’t have too much pressure of ‘exams and marks’. We want them to form a strong base for the ‘secondary level education’ and automatically perform well in their examinations.
OnlineFundaClass uses following tools:
WhatsApp : Students join their respective groups (class-wise) and communicate with the teacher on a regular basis. They are also provided with links to join live classes on 'Zoom' and links to view recorded Tutorial Videos.
Google Meet: Online live session conducted by our teacher with a focus on building subject concept clarity rather than rote learning. Students join through their computers or mobile phones at allotted time-slots.
Google Classroom: Interesting content is curated and arranged topic-wise in the form of 'Assignments' consisting of Videos, Worksheets, Simulations and Practice Exercises. We encourage students to complete 'Classwork' at their own pace and teachers monitor their progress regularly.
Online Tutorial Videos: Short online videos are prepared topic-wise and offered for strengthening concepts and also for revising them