2024-02: Learning Centres in Pune
2024-01: New Session 2024-25
2023-03: Best Networking Partner Award
2023-02: English-Foundation program
2023-01: New Session 2023-24
2022-03: Remaining in touch......'Launch of Tutorial Videos'
2022-02: Drawing activity class in the new session (7th.April 2022)
2022-01: Piloting of project 'Udaan'
2021-3: [16th. Aug. 2021] : Remaining in touch...
2021-2: [24th. Mar. 2021] : Newsletter (end of academic year 2020-21)
2021-1: [31st. Jan. 2021] : Bridge-course for Math-Middle level (online)
2020-2: [9th. Sep.2020] : Free e-Tuition (online classes)
2020-1: [30th. Jun. 2020] : Half yearly newsletter (H1-2020)
2019-7: e-Classes continue ....thank you teachers and librarians !
2019-5: Areas where students can get higher education (after 12th.)
2019-4: Why budget private schools?
2019-2: eSchool Classes - Jan.-Feb. 2019
2018-6: Spoken English Project
2018-4: Senior students using E-Classes
2018-3: e-classes in progress
2018-2: Some more E-Classes
2018-1: Community women using E-classes
2017-10: E-Classes at different centers !
2017-9: Latest Batch of DLTP - Dec.2017
2017-8: Project DLTP
2017-6: Offline Content - (E-Library)
2017-2: Workshop @ Gurgaon 10th.Feb.2017 - Using ICT in Education
2017-1: Setting up Learning Centres
2016-10: Using ICT To Augment Teaching Practices In Low Income Schools
2016-9: Teacher Training workshop 'Learning Centre' at Raghunathpura Village
2016-6: New Session Begins - 2016
2016-4: Pilot Implementation at ApnaGhar , village Barola, U.P
2016-1: Down the Memory Lane....
2015-1: Sharing ArvindGuptaToys